Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 11:06 [Utterli] Car Wont Start: It's not especially cold, it's not especially damp, time to have a bit m #
  • 12:54 [Utterli] The Car Lives Another Day: Various, unsuccessful, attempts to start the car over the pas #
  • 13:04 [Utterli] Upgrade?: I was looking in a local computer shop at the notebook size computers around  #
  • 13:10 [Utterli] I Don't Want To Do This But I Guess I Have To...: There's definitely something living/sc #
  • 13:41 [Utterli] Well It's Not Living In My Attic: What ever the thing it it's not living in my attic. No #
  • 13:47 [Utterli] When Mice Attack: It turns out that the neighbours found a nest in their attic when they #
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