Monday, June 01, 2020

Still Going

I found out last week that the points on my Virgin Active account, which is a fitness tracking system funded from work, pays for points. It's not a hell of a lot and because I wasn't aware of this feature I'd not really put in much effort. I was able to claim £26 for the points I had collected over the past 18 months (?). Coincidentally one of the points earners is to register 20 days in a month of over 10,000 steps, a feat I was just able to make on the last day of May.
First day of June and I'm hopefully switching now to a 5km run every other day, stepping up from the previous 3km, intending to intersperse with 5k walks, aiming again to register 20 days of 10,000 steps, only this way not cutting it so close to the wire.

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