Monday, June 01, 2009

  • 13:37 @samantha_bell have you tried freecycle? #
  • 16:48 Talking to Podcasts again. This time debating with Bugcast 60. #fb #
  • 18:26 Recipes that use "pastry mix" or "batter mix" are cheating. Now attempting fried banana from simple ingredients. #
  • 18:28 @UndressJess $289? You could get a hand gun for that price, far more effective. #
  • 19:16 Took kitchen clock down because the battery was flat. I still keep looking up where it was to see what the time is! #
  • 19:18 @babsalicious Have you never had fried banana? Hot banana in a crunchy, sweet batter. I'll send you pictures ;) #
  • 19:51 Now going to try frying the bananas, if you don't hear from me in the next hour then look for the smoke... #
  • 20:08 House not burned down, not even a small fire in the kitchen. The bananas look good too! #
  • 20:10 Ohhhh myyyy gooodnesss. These are delicious. Will have to make these for @babsalicious when I get home to her. #
  • 20:28 - My first attempt at Fried Banana #
  • 20:48 @scottsigler Oh man, did the razor cut out on you after you shaved your chin? #
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