Thursday, September 03, 2009

  • 02:01 I've got an alarm application that plays music from my iPod, what track would make a good wake up call? (Link to app ) #
  • 08:57 @caffeinebomb Pah, you're just babbling nonsense. :P #
  • 09:00 I was awoke this morning by "Good Morning Beautiful" - Steve Holy. The alarm ap' also registers play counts too, exxxxcellent. Good Morning! #
  • 09:03 Time for coffee and lets get this day started!!!! Tweet y'all later. #
  • 10:39 She came from Greece, she had a thirst for knowledge, she studied sculpture at St.Martens college, that's where I caught h er eye. #
  • 15:02 Chocolate and peanut butter milkshake... mmmmmm #
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