Tuesday, August 25, 2009

  • 00:07 SAW IV bring on the gore!!! #fb #
  • 09:37 Start the day with a headache. Don't often wake up with a pounding head. No I wasn't drinking last night. #fb #
  • 09:44 @bobbyllew I did comment that "Sold Out" is missing from this article but my comment has not been posted: tinyurl.com/n7j7rx #
  • 10:01 @caffeinebomb This previously lead to a block of Bittorrent, stopping my WOW updates. We need better legit digital stores, no just iTunes. #
  • 12:56 Here comes the rain. Todays forecast was bought to you by my h eadache :) (which clears up when the cloud breaks.) #fb #
  • 12:58 @Liv_Waters You have the whole Internets to play with, how can you be bored? #
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