Saturday, March 21, 2020

A Busy Day

Started the day with a walk to the chemist to collect prescriptions. The tiny chemist has a three customer limit during the social distancing state, still people would come in, ignoring the queue out front, demanding attention. Colourful language and gross ignorance. Anyone working with the public right now gets my respect. The public can be a pain to work with at the best of times.

The walk to the chemist was just that, direct there and back. I may have stopped at a poke-stop but certainly this was a walk with a purpose rather than exercise.

Once back at the house I'd wracked up about 3500 steps. Just short of midday and half way through the 7000 step goal.

Once back home I shut the central heating off as I needed to re-fill the radiator in the recently re-decorated front bedroom. While waiting for the system to cool I cut the grass.

A quick brunch after cutting the grass and then spent the afternoon finishing up the front bedroom.

I re-filled the radiator, built a book case, built a table, built a lamp, built a chair, fitted handles to the wardrobe, then to end the day's work cleared up after myself.

The end of day step count was surprising...

19th March 2014 - No data
19th March 2015 - 3625 steps
19th March 2016 - No data
19th March 2017 - No data
19th March 2018 - No data
19th March 2019 - No data
19th March 2020 - 11277 steps

So reaching 7000 steps while not leaving the house may not be impossible. Even if you ignore the 3500 steps for the walk to the chemist I still made 7000 steps. Granted I'm not going to be decorating all day when I'm also working but perhaps I can attend conference calls using my phone and pacing the room, use the standing desk.

Going to walk the 10km route that I walked last Sunday again tomorrow. Again the step count for previous years is very low, I can only imagine there was a technical error or I didn't wear a watch that day! Even if the walk gets canceled, as long as I make my 7000 steps I'm good.

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