Monday, March 16, 2020

Upping The Reaction To COVID-19

In The News

On the day that the action triggered by the COVID-19 virus escalated I was trying to help Jude with medical attention for extreme shoulder pain which she's been suffering with since last week.
Knowing that the NHS services are already hard pressed we first, instead, went to a chiropractor that we've been to in the past. After a consultation he recommended going to the doctor.
As we expected, the doctor surgery is taking emergencies only. Thankfully the triage nurse was able to get a prescription from the doctor for stronger pain killers.
Hopefully the enforced working from home will mean no driving and a more relaxed environment that will help Jude's shoulder settle.

Stepping Up

Various walks to the chemist today put my step count over 9000.

The Google Sheet automatic tracking started in October last year, data before that was from various different phones or step devices.

16th March 2014 - No data
16th March 2015 - 8058 steps
16th March 2016 - No data
16th March 2017 - No data
16th March 2018 - No data
16th March 2019 - No data
16th March 2020 - 9524 steps

Highest recorded steps for 16th March. OK that's not saying much since I only have one other date but I'll take the small victories.

Tomorrows challenge is looking pretty easy too since the highest on record for 17th March isn't even 7000 steps. Once the dates start to overlap more consistently this will get more of a challenge.

Early morning run tomorrow.

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