Friday, April 03, 2009

  • 23:59 @cyberpr but if all artists follow your guide won't they all stand out equally and therefore not stand out at all? Dilema!!! #
  • 00:01 @BrentSpiner He fell for the story that you used to be in Star Trek? Weren't you just an extra? :) #
  • 00:44 @arqlu it depends on the couple. Barbara and I are not only in different houses but also different countries! :( #
  • 08:58 @scottsigler Tweeting during the film, not a sign that you're engroced in it. #
  • 09:01 @bobbyllew Be affraid, be very affraid. Actually Bob, what you need is a sponsor. #
  • 09:03 @adamcurry Since you're pretty much on the meridian line, are you really in Gitmo East? More like Gitmo Central? #
  • 09:12 @rustyrockets I wonder if he's on Twitter? Ooo, fighting on the Internets! Yay. #
  • 09:14 @linopolis Have you thought about seeing a Doctor about that? #
  • 09:14 I am working, honest, just waiting for my laptop to restart after a Micro$oft patch. Could be here all day. #
  • 09:20 Interesting point from @smblack1 "Micro$oft" is not picked up as a spelling mistake by Lotus Notes. #
  • 09:26 @dividepictures This isn't right, @greggrunberg can't have more followers than you? #followfriday #
  • 09:28 OK, music on and down to work. bbl. #
  • 17:30 Shaving while listening to Leona Lewis "Keep Bleeding", how appropriate. #
  • 17:31 @dividepictures Yeah but born to ride what? #
  • 17:33 @sennydreadful I have "Red Rum", I think I may have an old ticket? #
  • 19:58 Blue Peter girls on the cover of FHM magazine? Would't have happened in my day. #
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