Thursday, March 26, 2009

  • 08:33 Turn your old floppy disk drive to the dark side... #
  • 14:32 @uupc 40 is good. Could we have a "tips for newbies" section? (doesn't need to be long) newbies listen to uupc too. #
  • 14:37 @smblack1 Good luck. #
  • 14:42 @Schofe You mean a full week of staying up late and Twittering? #
  • 16:42 [Utterli] Ring, Ring, Ring, Banana Phone?: Cara broke her phone just before leaving for the US las #
  • 16:50 [Utterli] Now How Did THAT Happen?: I'm not a fan of flip or slide phones. The K750i I had was dro #
  • 17:30 Trailer for up coming Family Guy Star Trek NG episode. with voices of the original cast, very, very funny. #
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